The makers of the Glaceau website did an amazing job. Glaceau is the maker of vitamin water, smart water and vitamin energy water. I love the way the products hover and move around when selected. The overall design is well balanced and enjoyable to explore. first website I chose was made for a friend of mine who is a photographer. I think the navigation and format of the website really mirrors how classy and original Jana's photography is. I love the music, smooth transition of pictures, and easy navigation. Click below to visit Jana Candler's site: second website I chose is a simple one made for Nike women athletes. Like with the first website, it is easy to navigate. I like the smooth transition of the pop up sections for each of the categories. I also like the flower patters which carry into other areas of the website. chose the Herbal Essence website mostly because of the bright feminine colors and gradients. I love how the designers combined photography and graphics on the home page. The website produces a cute and clean feel which makes me want to keep using their products. decided to add a designer's website into the mix. I really like the feel of antiquity of this website. Its simply designed which makes flipping through the designer's work easy and relaxed. I especially like the repetition of the pointing fingers throughout the website.