Monday, October 25, 2010

New Shoot

So for the next photos in my "Expectations" series, I decided to do a college girl that obviously wants to go out for a good time. Now, again, it is all up to the viewer how they perceive this girl. They could see her as someone who is going on a date, a party girl, or they may make some other decision as to who she is and where she is going. I chose to have the pictures get darker after the 2nd front view to really make the viewer question their own judgement as to who this person is. We had a lot of fun doing this shoot and Bethany was the perfect model. She can be so still even when I'm falling off of beds and trying to keep my balance on tilting chairs. She's amazing. So here's a couple shoots from this series that ended up being about 10 photos in all.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Expectations & Transformations

So as of this weekend, I have altered my concept even further (imagine that, ha) and am really interested in studying transformations and expectations. This first came about as I was observing my sisters and planning to do a photo project on them and their lives. As I began sketching and making word associations, I ended up with the words "transformation, perform, band, expectation, succeed, failure". This made me start to wonder if doing a photo proj on this would be I took some photos of both my sisters in their band outfits. The basic concept of this is that the first picture is an ordinary picture where the viewer has no expectations of the subject. After this picture, I took numerous pictures-with each picture I would add an item of clothing that fit the setting. By the end of the photoshoot, the viewer should have some expectation of the subject and as to their performance. In the last picture, I captured the subject's clothing and items on the ground so that the viewer can decide whether that individual succeeded or failed at what they did. The whole point of this project is to study and reveal what kind of expectations people put on each other and how these expectations can lead us in the wrong or right direction. I plan to capture many other individuals and their hobbies/jobs in this same manner. For actress, hunter, and beauty queen. should have seen my sisters and I get all this band stuff from the car to the field...let's just say there were a lot of gates and teamwork involved...probably one of the craziest/funniest things we've ever done haha

Monday, October 11, 2010

Before I Die Project

So along with my previous post for this week...I also looked at a photo project that is very similar to the project I am currently doing. In this project, the photographer went out into communities and asked people what they want to do before they die. Then they would take their picture on a polaroid camera and let them write it down on the photo. It's a really neat project and inspires me to keep digging with my own.

Get Back in Your Book Series & Thoughts

So, as I've been re-contemplating what I want to do for my photography project, I came across this series and really enjoyed it. I've been spending a lot of time rethinking what I'm doing and trying to come up with some concept in which I could use whimsical/out of place elements, like this photographer was doing. I honestly would love to work some photoshop magic in my projects and set up actual photo shoots.
I also have still been thinking about directing my series toward stereotypes, but I've also thought about doing a series about growing up. My sisters have been a HUGE inspiration for this. As I've been watching them grow up and go through transitions, I've wished that somehow I could capture it all. So, perhaps I could capture this with my photography project. There is sooo much I could explore with their relationships, band, friends, family, church, high school & middle school- this is just to mention a few of the things in their lives.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Diane Arbus

As for hours spent outside the classroom, I had the opportunity to research and write a paper on Diane Arbus' life and work. I focused on one picture in particular- Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park.

For some reason, I find this photograph to be very disturbing yet very interesting at the same time. In my paper I discussed the point of “punctum” for me within the picture. To me, his little curled up hand causes something within me to wince. I went on to say that I believed this boy had some sort of disorder and was probably running around Central Park in a mad rage. Something I learned from this project was that Arbus, yes, Diane Arbus, had to take a few bad photos before she got to this one… In the pictures below, it seems that it took Diane a while before she got “the shot”. That is encouraging to me because when I went out the other day, I felt like only 2 or 3 of my 30+ photos turned out. It just goes to show that even the best of the best have to practice and learn from their mistakes in order to get a picture that is worthwhile.

Photo Project- Round One

This past weekend I was able to go out and actually interview someone who could potentially be a great part of my series. I was a little intimidated at first to go to the flea market and just randomly find someone to talk with and take pictures of...but Mr. Danny made it a little easier than I thought it would be. I like to call Mr. Danny "The Coin Man" because he has a huge collection of coins he sells and shows every Saturday at the flea market. He has been collecting them since he was in grade school he said. Danny also told me that he was in the Army and lived in Germany for a couple years. He also shared how he had tragically lost his best friend in the war. He also has a rare lung disease and joked that his smoking was going to cure it. I really enjoyed getting to know him, but it was really hard to carry on a conversation while also trying to take photos in a non-evasive way. I also need to spend more time scoping the area and coming up with some good photo layouts before beginning to talk with people. I need to also take in consideration all the physical elements around my individuals that would help the photograph better reflect them as an individual and what they have been through and believe. Here's a few photos from Saturday's shoot...